This disease is characterized by a painful bump located below the kneecap. This makes the injury worse with activity but better with rest, affecting the mobility of those afflicted. The common risk factors for OSD include poor flexibility, previous knee injury, and sports involving running and jumping. Treatment for OSD can consist of many factors such as icing the site of the issue, careful stretching, and strengthening the muscles around the knee. Braces can help reduce symptoms and improve overall performance by providing support to the affected area. Plus, they can be used while playing sports or any other physical activity so that you can stay active without harming your knees. If you suffer from OSD, be sure to give OSD braces a try!
One Bracing supplies OSD braces that are lightweight, comfortable, and adjustable, making them an excellent option for those dealing with OSD. We source our OSD braces from top brands such as Baurfiend, known for their quality manufacturing and durability.